Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Tip of the Week: Is it time to harvest your onions?

"Neck rot is a disease of onions caused by a fungus called Botrytis"  It can be prevented before harvest so you ensure you won't see it creep in while storing your onions.

So when do you pull your onions out of the ground?!

"Onions should be harvested when the tops of about half the plants in the garden or field have fallen over. This is a sign that the onions are mature and need to be pulled out of the ground, keeping the foliage attached. (If you wait too long, the bulbs may sunburn without the foliage to protect them. )
The next, and most important step, is to allow the foliage to dry completely before removing it from the bulb. If green foliage is cut from the bulb and the bulbs are not dried, a soft rot such as Botrytis can easily set in soon after storing." -Utah State Extension Small Fruits and Vegetable IPM Advisory

Leave the onions out to dry in a shady place. Once you are sure the tops of the onions are dry, remove them and store in the onions in a cool, dry spot. Avoid plastic bags or bowls; they don't get enough air circulation in either option. 

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